
The exporter translates the compiled SystemRDL object model into an IP-XACT XML document.

The exporter will translate a given AddrmapNode object into an IP-XACT <component> that contains a single <memoryMap> with one or more <addressBlock> elements.

Depending on the structure of the design hierarchy, the exporter may attempt to flatten the design into multiple <addressBlock> elements in order avoid excessive nesting and make better use of IP-XACT structuring.


Unfortunately, not all SystemRDL concepts are able to be faithfully translated into IP-XACT.

  • SystemRDL describes a vast amount of properties that have no equivalents in the IP-XACT standard, so unfortunately they are discarded.

  • IP-XACT is not capable of describing memories that are deeply nested in a design. Any mem components that are not immediate children of the top node being exported will be discarded.


class peakrdl_ipxact.IPXACTExporter(**kwargs: Any)
__init__(**kwargs: Any) None

Constructor for the exporter object.

  • vendor (str) – Vendor url string. Defaults to “example.org”

  • library (str) – library name string. Defaults to “mylibrary”

  • version (str) – Version string. Defaults to “1.0”

  • standard (Standard) – IP-XACT Standard to use. Currently supports IEEE 1685-2009 and IEEE 1685-2014 (default)

  • xml_indent (str) – String to use for each indent level. Defaults to 2 spaces.

  • xml_newline (str) – String to use for line breaks. Defaults to a newline (\n).

export(node: AddrmapNode | RootNode, path: str, **kwargs: Any) None
  • node (AddrmapNode) – Top-level SystemRDL node to export.

  • path – Path to save the exported XML file.

  • component_name (str) – IP-XACT component name. If unspecified, uses the top node’s name upon export.

class peakrdl_ipxact.Standard(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Enumeration of IP-XACT standards

IEEE_1685_2009 = 2009

Spirit IP-XACT - IEEE Std. 1685-2009

IEEE_1685_2014 = 2014

IP-XACT - IEEE Std. 1685-2014


Below is a simple example that shows how to convert a SystemRDL register model into IP-XACT.

import sys
from systemrdl import RDLCompiler, RDLCompileError
from peakrdl_ipxact import IPXACTExporter, Standard

rdlc = RDLCompiler()

    root = rdlc.elaborate()
except RDLCompileError:

exporter = IPXACTExporter(

exporter.export(root, "path/to/output.xml")